Wednesday, 21 January 2009


Today I went to look up some stuff about the living animal room in the archives. There was actually more than I thought I would be but only letters, no photos. Some of the letters I found quite funny,

"Miss McIlroy has selected a white cock, a coloured hen, a duck and a drake and they are being delivered her tomorrow morning"

"By some mischance, one of the ducks died and the other three birds were returned for hospital treatment. On sending to enquire after their health yesterday, we found their heads had been cut off"

"As regards the horse, I think on the whole it would be better to delay getting a horse until after Easter"

Tomorrow I shall be going to Edinburgho to see the Charles Avery exhibition.

1 comment:

  1. wow caitlan thats really cool and funny. There must be some animal dust as well then. x
